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Saturday, December 11, 2010

Quick fix tips for damaged hair !!!

In order to look beautiful our hair have to go through so much! But this can often lead to dryness and damage.First we need to analyse the problems of hair damage.It could be due to so many things , even the basic things like water and shampoos can damage our hair.For eg if we shampoo too frequently or use harsh shampoos often.Swimming in chlorinated water can also damage ur hair!Chemicals such as those present in hair colors,perm lotions and hair straighteners , electric curlers blow dryers can cause severe damage to your hair.
So now we have analysed the various causes and I would like to share some quick fix tips for damaged hair with you!
This one is my favorite.Hair experts recommend applying mayonnaise or egg honey mixture on damaged hair and leaving them for at least 20 mins or if u have time preferably overnight.Wash hair with mild shampoo afterwards.
I know u might have heard this like so many times before but trust me coconut oil does wonders for your hair. In this cold weather your hair are left feeling so dry.Just apply coconut oil by hand and leave it overnight. Wash it with mild shampoo and you will feel your nourished and so soft.(and dont forget to apply the oil on the hair tips also)
Beer is also recommended for damaged hair.Spray beer from a pump sprayer onto freshly washed towel dried hair before blow drying.Beer gives a healthy shine to dull hair and also acts as a setting lotion.Hair does not retain its odor because it disappears quickly.
4)BANANA AND AVOCADO PUREE left on damaged hair for 15 minutes also helps a lot in treating damaged hair.
These are simple yet effective methods to treat hair damage. Just give them a try and I am sure they will surely be helpful.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Get rid of those under eye circles naturally!

I know most of us have this problem of UNDER EYE CIRCLES at some point of time or the other.The reason can be lack of sleep,stress,ageing or improper diet.But hey wait the good news is that u can get RID of them naturally without spending too much on expensive stuff! First of all we wana know the reason of these dark circles so that we can deal with them.
One of the major reason for dark circles is heredity! Like so many things such as eye color skin tone shape of your nose even dark circles are caused due to heredity.The genes related to dark circles are actually the genes that cause weakened capillaries in your skin around the eyes.Skin tone including transparency of the skin is also inherited which may make the dark circles more dramatic.But hey if it is in your family it does not mean that you can not get rid of them!  There are some natural ways by which u can reduce those black bags under your eyes! Other causes of under eye circles may be lack of sleep diet dehydration etc! So now we know what causes these dark circles so its time we deal with them.
My personal experience is that first of all GET RID OF STRESS! Stressing will only worse them. So just take a deep breath and have faith that your dark circles would vanish soon. Faith does wonders trust me. Just follow these simple steps at home:
1) There are 3 steps to this home remedy a) moisturizing your skin b) cooling the skin c) stimulating the skin!
Moisturizing  helps in rehydrating the skin. Cooling helps in relieving the stress around the eyes and stimulating the skin helps in bringing blood flow to the eye area thereby making it look more lively! Here i am gonna tel some easy home tips as everyone has different skin type may be one method does not work for u so u can go ahead and try the other method!Figure out what suits you.
1) Cut an unwaxed cucumber and cool in refrigerator and place on eye for ten minutes.
2)Apply a mixture of lemon juice or tomato juice wait for 5 mins and then rinse avoiding any contact with the eye.
3)Apply crushed mint leaves under the eyes for 20 mins.
4) Eat food rich in vitamin E , vit c and iron.
5)Massage almond oil around and under the eye.
6)Apply a paste of turmeric powder and pineapple juice and rinse after 5 mins.
7) Place two tea bags in cold water for 10 mins and then place on the eyes for 20 minutes.
These steps would help in improving circulation around the eyes and reduce your dark circles!
And as i already said have faith that ur dark circles will vanish and see the results yourself. Hope all of u would try out these methods and sleep and eat well and dont take stress!